Foreverwood – The Last Episode of Everwood

    这是一部我非常喜欢的美剧,它没有太多悬疑、没有什么惊险、甚至几乎没有开放的美国精神,只有家庭、朋友、爱情的矛盾和温馨。Everwood, 一个远离城市的小镇,在雪山脚下,生活其中的人们都很传统甚至保守,但是他们有着不一样的生活。它,我们中国人叫它雪山镇。同事说,正因为这是一部“反”美国精神的剧集,所以收视不佳,到第四季就结尾了。不过也好,四个season,不那么冗长,也足够口味它的温情。现在看完了,总想写点东西。

From Jake
  Life is supposed to surprise you. I bet you’ve got a picture in your mind, about how everything’s gonna turn out for you, what you’re gonna do, who you’re gonna be with. But there are windows that don’t stay open forever, missed opportunities that never come back to you. And waiting for them doesn’t necessarily mean you’re strong, or even right. Sometimes it just means that you’re afraid to change the picture.

From Andy
  I’ve changed a lot, Julia. I’ve learned that being a good friend and a good parent are the only things that make you sleep better at night. I’ve learned that what bothers you about your kids is whatever you have in common with them, and what you love about them most is the stuff that you have absolutely nothing to do with. I’ve learned that pain and suffering are unavoidable, but ultimately they are what bring you closer to other people. And lately I’ve learned that it’s possible to fall in love again. I tried hard not to. I really did. It’s so unfair to you, you know? It was you I wanted to be this guy for. I’m just so sorry I couldn’t when you were alive.

From Amy
  Four years ago, you came to my little town, and you changed my life. I never thought one person could do that to another, but you did. From the moment that I met you and each moment after that, somehow everything that happened to me kept coming back to you. I remember everything about us, that’s the thing. Every time I try to forget the feelings I have for you, they keep coming back, and now they’re back. I don’t want to push them down anymore. I don’t want to run away from us, ’cause I never want to lose you again. I just want to be with you, next to you, wherever you are. I’m sorry that it took me so long to figure it out, because I hate all of the time that we lost.

From Ephram
  I love you, too. I knew it then. I know it now. I’ll know it always. You’re it, Amy. You’re my one… You always have been.

Everwood Everybody FIN
