John Lennon & The Beatles

    受火男"蛊惑",听起了John Lennon,以及The Beatles的一些老歌。
    就像火男所说的,现在的很多歌曲都或多或少有着The Beatles的一些影子,虽然以前从来没听过,但某些旋律还是觉得很熟悉。而且,里面的不少歌感觉就像美剧里的配乐似的,或者说,是不是很多美剧里的配乐都用了这些歌呢?不知道。
    反正,除去一些摇滚是不太适应,其它不少歌还是很有感觉的。比如John Lennon的《Love》,The Beatles的《I Will》,都是淡淡的,轻快的,听着惬意。
Love is real, real is love,
Love is feeling, feeling love,
Love is wanting to be loved.
Love is touch, touch is love,
Love is reaching, reaching love,
Love is asking to be loved.
Love is you,
You and me.
Love is knowing,
We can be.
Love is free, free is love,
Love is living, living love,
Love is needing to be loved.

轻松但深情的《I will》
Who knows how long I’ve loved you
You know I love you still
Will I wait a lonely lifetime
If you want me to–I will
For if I ever saw you
I didn’t catch your name
But it never really mattered
I will always feel the same
Love you forever and forever
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we’re together
Love you when we’re apart
And when at last I find you
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you
For the things you do endear you to me
You know I will
I will